

The Young Investigator Award is presented in recognition of an abstract that showcases results that could advance knowledge within the field.

This award was introduced in 2000 with the intention to encourage the work of young investigative rheumatologists and recognise research excellence in early career researchers.

The winner receives:
  • Certificate of achievement
  • 拢250 (via BACs transfer)
  • Complimentary registration to Annual Conference
  • Opportunity to present your work during an oral abstract session at Annual Conference
  • Research publication in Rheumatology journal*

  • *Research is peer-reviewed before publication is approved

Entry criteria

Who can apply?
You must be:
  • A clinical or non-clinical researcher
  • At a relatively early stage of your career (completing a higher degree or within the first three years of completion*)
  • A member or non-member, but non-members will need a society member to sponsor their application. You can download the sponsor declaration form here
  • NB: if you have won an award in the last five years, you will not be eligible to enter this award again until the five-year period has passed
*This excludes period not working in research (e.g. parental leave)

How to apply
You must submit:
  • An Annual Conference abstract through the abstract submission site
  • A sponsor declaration form if you are not a member
Judging criteria
Submissions will be reviewed based on:
  • Quality of written content
  • Originality of hypothesis and experimental design
  • If results could advance knowledge within the field